How to Play Texas Poker Basics Guide

Poker is one of the most famous card games in the world. Although the rules of Poker are simple, it is very difficult to become a professional player because the game relies on strategy and the player's skills rather than luck. There are many different ways to play Poker. In this article, we will guide you on how to play the most popular version of Poker, which is Texas Hold'em. Follow the article on the wagering website for more details!

Online poker

Introduction to Poker

Poker, also known as Xì tố in Vietnamese, is a card game in which players compete against each other to become the final winner. The winner will receive all the rewards that other players bet.

Poker has been around for a long time, but before 2000, it was only popular in Western countries. Later on, it gradually became an internationally recognized game and is now present in almost every country.

A deck of Poker

A deck of Poker cards includes the following components:

Poker card deck

The deck of cards used to play Poker is a 52-card deck, including numbered cards from 2 to 10 and the characters J, Q, K, A, divided into 4 suits: Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, and Spades. This Poker deck will be built into sets in the player's hand. The outcome of the game depends on the rank of these sets. 

 Poker card deck

Poker Chip

Poker chips are round chips with different denominations, representing the amount of money bet by players during the game. 

Poker Chip

Poker Dealer Button

Before each round of play, a dealer is chosen and given this card. It is placed in front of the player who acts as the dealer and helps other players easily identify them. After a round is over, the dealer button is passed to the next player to start a new round.

Big Blind and Small Blind Chips

These chips are used to place bets before the start of the game for players sitting in the big blind and small blind positions, which are required to bet before the game begins. 



Poker Hands and Rankings

A Poker hand consists of 5 cards and precisely 5 cards. You are only allowed to hold 2 cards in your hand and use them to combine with the 5 community cards on the table to form a Poker hand. This can be a combination of 1 card in your hand and 5 community cards or 2 cards in your hand and 3 community cards.

In Poker, there are 10 ranked Poker hands from high to low, and this is the knowledge you need to remember the most. The player who holds the higher hand wins the game.

The Poker hands, ranked from high to low, are as follows:

1. Royal Flush

This is the highest-ranking Poker hand. It consists of a 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of the same suit (e.g., all Spades or all Hearts). No other hand can beat this hand, not even another Royal Flush. If you have this hand, you are sure to win. 

Example: A♠ K♠ Q♠ J♠ 10♠

Royal Flush

2. Straight Flush

The second highest hand in Poker, consisting of 5 consecutive cards of the same suit, with the highest card not being an Ace. If multiple players have a straight flush, the highest card is used to determine the winner. 

Example: Q♣ J♣ 10♣ 9♣ 8♣

Straight Flush

3. Four of a Kind

This is a hand consisting of four cards of the same rank or value. If multiple players have a Four of a Kind, the highest card of the set is used to determine the winner. 

Example: A♥ A♦ A♠ A♣ beats K♦K♥ K♣ K♠.

Four of a Kind

4. Full House

This hand consists of Three of a Kind and a Pair. If multiple players have a Full House, the winner is determined by the highest ranking Three of a Kind. 

Example: K♣ K♠ K♦ 9♥ 9♣ 

Full House

5. Flush

This hand consists of 5 cards of the same suit, but not in sequence. If multiple players have a Flush, the highest card of the hand is used to determine the winner. If the highest cards are the same, the second-highest card is used, and so on. 

Example: 7♠ Q♠ 10♠ K♠ A♠


6. Straight

This hand consists of 5 cards in sequence, but not of the same suit. If multiple players have a Straight, the winner is determined by the highest card in the sequence.

Example: J♠ 10♦ 9♥ 8♣ 7♥


7. Three of a Kind

This hand consists of Three cards of the same rank or value. If multiple players have Three of a Kind, the highest-ranking card in the set is used to determine the winner. 

Example: Q♣ Q♥ Q♠

Three of a Kind

8. Two Pairs 

This hand consists of Two Pairs. If multiple players have Two Pairs, the winner is determined by the highest pair. If the highest pairs are the same, the second-highest pair is used to determine the winner. If both pairs are the same, the highest-ranking odd card is used. 

Example: J♦ J♠ 8♣ 8♠

Two Pairs

9. One Pair

This hand consists of one pair of cards with the same rank or value. If multiple players have One Pair, the highest-ranking pair is used to determine the winner. If both pairs are the same, the highest-ranking odd card is used. 

Example: 10♣ 10♥

One Pair

10. High Card

High Card is a hand in which the cards have no connection. If there are multiple High Card hands, the highest card is considered first, followed by the next highest cards. 

High Card

A special rule when creating a hand is that the Ace (Ace) can be considered as either the highest card above the King or the lowest card below the 2.

For example, the sequence 5432A can also be considered a Straight. However, the sequences 432AK or 32AKQ are not Straights.

The color or suit (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades) of the cards does not matter. If all players have the same sequence of cards but different suits, they split the pot.

Setting up the game

Number of players: 2 to 10 players. Choose a player to be the Dealer and place the Dealer chip in front of this person. To ensure fairness, after each round, the Dealer position will be passed to the player to the left in a clockwise direction. In this way, all players will take turns being the Dealer. The Dealer deals in a clockwise direction, dealing each player 2 cards and flipping 5 cards face up in the middle of the table.

Overview of a Poker game

A game of Poker consists of 4 betting rounds: Pre-Flop, Flop, Turn, and River.

After each betting round, all bets are collected into a pot. In principle, a betting round only ends when all players have bet the same amount and no one else raises. After 4 rounds, the player with the strongest hand wins. However, a game of Poker can end at any time when someone bets and all other players fold, in which case the bettor wins and the game ends. The winner takes all the bets in the pot. In the case where the winner has bet all their money before everyone else (all-in), they can only win the money in the pot up to the point of their all-in bet.

Action in one turn

In each round of play, players have the right to take one of the following actions:


The player stops playing and waits for the next round. This action usually occurs when the player is dealt a bad hand and has no chance of winning, or when the player does not want to bet more money against their opponent to continue playing. The player will lose the previous bet amount.


You bet the same amount as the previous player to continue playing.


You can bet when no one has bet yet. In this case, other players who want to continue playing must play at least the amount of your bet (Call) or bet more (Raise) or fold.


When someone has bet, you can choose to raise, which means to bet more.

For example: Initially, two players A and B bet 250 each, for a total of 500. Player A chooses to raise by 250. So the total is 750. Player B now has 3 options to choose from: either Call and bet another 250 like Player A, or Raise more, for example, 350, or Fold.


This is when you bet all the money you have, also known as going all-in. When you go all-in and the game continues, all you can do is watch. At the end of the game, the cards will be revealed to determine the winner. If you are the winner in the end, you will only receive the amount of money in the pot up to the time you went all-in.

When no one has bet yet, you also do not bet and wait for the actions of other players.

View more: The most detailed way to play Poker for beginners

Detailed sequence of playing Poker

To start the game, two players are required to place bets as blinds on the left side of the Dealer, called the blinds.

The player immediately to the left of the Dealer places a small blind bet. The next player places a big blind bet, which is twice the amount of the small blind. This is the minimum betting amount for each upcoming betting round. At this point, players place their bets before any cards are dealt.

Detailed sequence of playing Poker

After this, the cards are dealt as in the game setup (each player receives two face-down cards and there are five community cards on the table), and the game truly begins with the following rounds:

Round 1: Pre-Flop

At this point, all players know what their two cards are. The next player to the left of the big blind better will be the first player for this round.

Players can take one of several actions during their turn, such as folding, calling, raising, etc. These actions are taken in a clockwise direction, but checking is not allowed.

The round ends when all players have placed equal bets. All the bets are collected into a pot.

Note: Only in the Pre-Flop round is the player next to the big blind bettor the first player. From the next round onwards, the player in the small blind position is the first player for each round.

Round 2: Flop

After the Pre-Flop round ends, the Flop round begins. The Dealer will flip over three community cards face up in the middle of the table for all players to see. By combining these three cards with the two face-down cards in their hand, players can evaluate the strength of their hand to make decisions in the round.

The player in the small blind position, on the left of the Dealer, starts the first turn.

Actions in this round are similar to the previous round, such as folding, betting, raising, etc. However, players also have the option to check, which means passing their turn to the next player on the left if no bets have been made before.

Round 3: The Turn

In this round, the dealer will flip the fourth community card, also known as the turn card. Another betting round takes place, starting with the player in the small blind position.

Round 4: The River

The fifth and final community card, called the river card, is revealed. At this point, players can determine the type of hand they have. The remaining players continue with the final betting round.


After the four betting rounds, if more than one player remains, the game proceeds to the showdown phase. The winner is the player with the highest-ranking hand, and they receive the entire pot. If two or more players have hands of equal rank, the pot is divided equally among them.

Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the game may end if all other players fold, in which case the remaining player wins the entire amount of chips wagered on the table.


In this article, I have provided basic instructions for playing poker. Understanding and practicing these fundamental rules will help you develop your skills and become a successful poker player when participating in games at bookmaker.

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