Is online soccer betting safe?

Currently, alongside the excitement of the ongoing 2022 World Cup, online soccer betting has emerged as a rewarding form of entertainment where participants predict the actual outcomes of matches and wager significant amounts of money. Those who successfully predict the results can receive rewards in the form of goods, money, or services that can be converted into cash based on the outcome of the match. Particularly, online betting through the internet is increasingly popular with sophisticated techniques that are difficult to control. So, how is the crime of online soccer betting treated? Let's find out in the following article with Wagering website!

Legal basis:

  • Civil Code 2015.
  • Penal Code 2015 (amended in 2017, 2021).
  • Document 196/TANDTC-PC 2018 on the application of points c clause 2 of Article 321 and points c clause 2 of Article 322 of the Penal Code.
  • Decree 144/2021/ND-CP on penalties for administrative violations in the fields of security, order, social safety, prevention and combat of social evils, fire prevention and fighting, search and rescue, and prevention and control of domestic violence.
Legal basis

How is the crime of online soccer betting defined?

Currently, online soccer betting is understood as a form of betting on soccer matches through the internet. On the internet, individuals engaged in soccer betting place their bets online through pre-installed websites and links provided by bookmaker who offer betting services.

Based on the provisions of Resolution 01/2010/NQ-HDTP, illegal gambling refers to any form of gambling conducted with the intention of winning money or goods without the authorization of competent state authorities or being authorized by competent state authorities but not complying with the regulations stated in the granted license. Betting on soccer matches is also carried out with the intention of winning money or goods without the permission of state authorities.

Soccer betting is mainly conducted in three forms:

  • Participating in betting with money through intermediaries.
  • Directly making betting agreements without involving organizers, where the winnings and losses are settled in cash among individuals watching a match together.
  • Opening accounts on online betting websites, which is currently quite popular.

Therefore, online soccer betting is considered illegal gambling and is subject to legal penalties.

Currently, typical forms of soccer betting provide various options for players, increasing their chances of winning.

Popular forms of betting and soccer betting today

Betting on soccer is manifested in the following forms:

Firstly, betting based on the overall result of a match. Players make predictions on the full-time result of a football match, which is a common choice for soccer bettors. Players place bets on the team they select to finish with the result of either winning, losing, or drawing.

Secondly, betting on the first half. Players predict the betting outcome for the first half of the match. It could be the team winning in the first half, the team losing in the first half, or a draw in the first half.

Thirdly, combination or multiple betting in soccer. If players do not want to place bets on only one match, they can choose to bet on multiple matches at the same time, which is also known as combination or multiple betting in soccer.

These forms of betting result in low chances of winning for the players. However, if they manage to win, they can become wealthy, but they also risk falling into ruin and being unable to escape.

The online soccer betting network is formed by leaders of professional gambling organizations, managers of betting websites such as,,, with servers located overseas to establish small-scale online soccer betting organizations with various attractive Vietnamese-language invitations and advertisements.

Criminal offenders involved in soccer betting exploit vulnerabilities in network management, control of fake SIM cards, and payment management to commit crimes. They use mobile devices connected to the internet to exchange information in order to carry out illegal activities.

The gameplay is straightforward, as players only need internet-connected devices. They register as members, have personal accounts at banks, transfer money into their accounts, or deposit gambling funds through phone cards or intermediary payment gateways to participate in betting.

Regulations and penalties for online soccer betting

As analyzed above, according to current legal regulations, there are no specific provisions on forms of gambling, including direct or online gambling, thus violating the law. Online soccer betting is considered an illegal activity and is strictly prohibited in Vietnam. Particularly during the ongoing World Cup in 2022, the issue of soccer betting has become increasingly "hot."

Therefore, online soccer betting is considered illegal gambling and is subject to legal penalties. Depending on the current legal provisions, the severity of online soccer betting can result in administrative fines or criminal prosecution.

The offenses falling into one of the following cases are punishable by imprisonment from 3 years to 7 years:

  • Being of a professional nature.
  • Using the internet, computer networks, telecommunications networks, electronic devices to commit the offense.
  • Using money or assets for gambling with a value of 50,000,000 VND or more.
  • Committing a dangerous recidivism.

Offenders may also be fined from 10,000,000 VND to 50,000,000 VND.

Secondly, based on the provisions of Article 322 of the Criminal Code of 2015 (amended in 2017, 2021), regarding the offense of organizing gambling or being a gambling house, the regulations are as follows:

A fine ranging from 50,000,000 VND to 300,000,000 VND or imprisonment from 1 year to 5 years for individuals who organize gambling or operate a gambling house unlawfully falling into one of the following cases:

  • Organizing gambling for 10 or more persons at the same time, with a total amount of money or assets for gambling of 5,000,000 VND or more, or organizing 2 or more gambling tables at the same time, with a total amount of money or assets for gambling of 5,000,000 VND or more.
  • The total amount of money or assets for gambling in a single instance is 20,000,000 VND or more.
  • Using one's own managed or owned premises to allow 10 or more persons to gamble at the same time, with a total amount of money or assets for gambling of 5,000,000 VND or more, or allowing 2 or more gambling tables at the same time, with a total amount of money or assets for gambling of 5,000,000 VND or more.
  • Organizing a place for participants to pledge their assets, arranging escape routes when being encircled or captured, using means to assist in gambling, installing equipment for gambling, or assigning guards or attendants during gambling.
  • Having been fined for administrative violations related to the behaviors specified in Article 321 of the Criminal Code, or offenses specified in this article, or have been convicted of this offense or offenses specified in Article 321 of the Criminal Code and still have a criminal record.

Imprisonment from 5 years to 10 years is imposed for offenses falling into one of the following cases:

  • Being of a professional nature.
  • Illegally gaining benefits of 50,000,000 VND or more.
  • Committing a dangerous recidivism.
  • Using the internet, telecommunications networks, computer networks, or electronic devices to commit the offense.
Regulations and penalties for online soccer betting


Overall, the safety of online soccer betting depends on the specific platform and provider chosen. It is important to select reputable and licensed online bookmakers to ensure a safer betting experience. While there are risks associated with online betting, such as the potential for fraudulent activities, proper research and caution can help mitigate these risks. It is essential to choose trustworthy and regulated platforms to minimize the chances of falling victim to scams. Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the individual bettor to ensure their safety when engaging in online soccer betting. By practicing responsible gambling, staying informed about reputable platforms, and being mindful of potential risks, bettors can enhance their safety and enjoy the excitement of online betting responsibly.

See more: What is virtual currency football betting like?

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